Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hangovers Are Rude. 8 Ways to Feel Better!

1. Rehydrate (AdvoCare): Take this with a glass of water before you go to bed.  You will wake up sans hangover, still tired, but not that fuzzy/dizzy feeling.

2. Banana:  Are you cramping?  The potassium in bananas will help any stiffness/cramping due to dehydration.

3. Coconut Water...Potassium, electrolytes and water?  Nuff said.

4. Water: No brainer.  Your dehydrated.  You need to hydrate.

5. Sleep..this will be rough.  You will wake up a lot after a night of drinking.  Don't feel guilty about laying in bed for a few more hours.  You need it.

6. Exercise: love/hate relationship.  Your 99% sure you don't want to do this, but know that if you work out, you'll feel SO much better.

7. Hot yoga...rinse out your system, quick.  Twist it out for an hour and your body will thank you.  Know who won't?  The person next to you in class.

8. Talk it out (misery loves company).  If you went out with your friends, call/text them and you can laugh (or cry) about the pain together.

Rehydrate Link:

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