Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Night Thoughts

When do you say, enough is enough and move on?  In relationships, careers, fitness routines, meal plans, goals, family, friendships, etc?  There are a couple things that keep crossing my mind and I've decided to grab onto them.  The things I think about most but don't actually do anything about them.  I just continue to think about them until I push them out of my mind and move on with whatever I'm doing.  But they are getting louder and coming more frequently.  Thought I'd share mine, so you could share yours:

  • Sing.  And I mean really siiiing.  Record another song. Stop being scared to sing in public.  Stop using the excuse, "I have to be drunk to really belt it out!"  Because one, that's not true.  And two, I actually lose my voice when I drink so I'm lying...dammit.  caught red handed.
  • Enter a fitness competition.  This one scares me.  I'm terrified of fully committing to something that could be very intense, could rock my self confidence and something I could "lose."  Do you lose if you don't place first?  Or do you lose if you don't go for it?  I believe the second one.
  • Be my own boss.  I don't want to attend meetings for the rest of my life where my palms get sweaty and as I'm answering questions, I'm thinking, "I don't really care."
  • Dance more.  Download more music.  Spend more time writing.  I blend these together because they are things I love, but things I ignore.  Things I put last on my list.
  • Get back into my own yoga practice.
  • Write a book.  Either one about life or one about easy, cheap, yummy meals.  Or both!  I really want to do this one but I get held up because I'm not sure I want to expose the darkness to my light.  It's scary and personal.  You can't take it back once it is out there but my life stories are worth reading.  Just like yours.
  • Start an integrative, nutritional counseling clinic with qi gong, reiki, cranial sacral therapy, everything affordable.
  • Sell my own allergy-free dessert line. Why not?
So here are some thoughts that were in my head and are now on paper.  Hopefully they will stop circling as much and I can DO something about them!  Hope my own babbling encourages you to write/talk about your own goals and we succeed together!



  1. Love and admire you, JJ. Still remember when you belted out that song (a natural woman) at tap house in bellevue... for an event which shall remain unnamed ;-) goosebumps. you have an amazing voice!

  2. What a pleasant surprise Steph! HAHHAA I know what you're talking about ;) Thank you for commenting and I LOVE YOU! If I had your mind, your intelligence...

  3. J, this is excellent. I'd love to see you do all of these things & more. I know you are more than capable. It is very cool to see that you know what your goals are and realize that you have to take action. There are a ton of people who dream of just getting to THIS point. So, I say go for it, do all of this and do it as fast as you can! Stoked to see that many of my friends have big dreams. Cannot wait to see all of this unfold. DO IT!

  4. You are so inspiring - everything you wrote is so obtainable for you! Just have to take the leaps of faith. I've heard you sing in Italy and you're amazing/gave me goosebumps. I've heard prob just a few of your stories, and they def deserve to be told on the page. I've had your delicious cooking - and the girl gots skillz! So much can do ALL of this! Love ya!

  5. Plus the holistic nutritional counseling...obvs! :)

  6. Anthony! Thank you so much. You are so right with the goals and buddies. I completely understand too because it's easy to get stuck and overwhelmed and not know where to start. But just start. Things will unfold along the way! You are a perfect example of following your heart, not the straight and narrow!! Can't wait to see SODO Marketing succeed in every way!

    Why are you amazing!? We are so lucky we got our little cubby in Tuscany and wound up in the honeymoon for children suite. I can't wait to see a book with your name underneath. For you my loving Mooney, once you believe in yourself, there will be no stopping you! Let's take the leap together? Eastcoast/westcoast represent homezzzz

  8. My dearest, sweet Jan... How I LOVE to read your posts! Can I just say 3 words?

    Oh. Happy. Day.

    You have an amazing voice and what's even better is the LIFE behind it. When you sing you sing with passion, when you dance you make others around you feel it too, when you talk about health and fitness you do so with honesty and with truth because you want others to be healthy and feel happy, because this makes you happy! This is what I LOVE about you!

    I'm reading suuuch a great book right now that helps to identify the negative "beliefs" we hold that cause us to feel like we've come up short in different areas of life. It isn't because you don't have the talent/willpower/worth to succeed in all the areas you mentioned above because YOU DO!!!! So DOoo iitttttt! You are the creator of your destiny. And "when patterns are broken, new worlds emerge!" (That's a line from the author, heh) So don't push these awesome, God given gifts out of your mind! Are ya crazay!!?! All of those things ARE YOU!!!

    You know that I live by this quote ~~~> "Whatever you can do or dream you can do, BEGIN IT! Boldness has genius, power & magic in it!" I am learning that this is an actual true statement, and it actually does work-- annnnd it blows my mind. every. day.

    I love you and you are the brightest star in my night sky! I'm so excited for all of those things to HAPPEN. I am not sorry if this is too long or too mush. This is what happens when I don't get to talk to you for too long... *hint hint*

