Wednesday, April 29, 2009


After the first official Monsoon DOWNPOUR!

Kneeling in front of a LARGE, GOLD Buddha!

After paying 20 baht (less than $1) and lighting candles for a reason

we can't exactly put our fingers on.

Taxi's are on the right.

This is so early in the morning that the traffic

seen in the picture
is nothing compared to what happens around 9 a.m.

Kel and me at


in front of the

Reclining Buddha.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One-Way Ticket to BANGKOK!

Wow. This place is NUTS! I have seen beautiful sunsets, smiles and flowers and I have seen disgusting, huge red cockroaches. There is so much pollution here and sometimes as we walk up the stairs to the SkyTrain we feel bad air in our lungs. The SkyTrain is way better than anything we have in the U.S.A. and we ride it for $3 a day, unlimited stops.

It's about 100 degrees everyday and surprisingly, we are getting used to it. We were the same dresses down to our buffet breakfast and our meals usually consist of sweet rolls, pineapple, coffee and water. We can't drink the water here, no one does so we loaded up on a huge pack at "THE BIG C." Which is like Wal-Mart in the U.S. It's pretty crowded here, with traffic worse than Seattle, which is why we like to cruise around on Tuk-Tuks. I have laughed harder here on a daily basis than any other moment in my life. Because sometimes when you see this crab-like cockroach and a man with no eyes asking for money, all you can do is take a step back and remember where you came from.

Yesterday, we went to a Wat (buddhist like temple) and The Grand Palace. Both places I have never dreamt of. Orientation starts on Friday and goes all weekend, then it's a 10 hour bus trip to Lampang! Think we're a little excited to get out of the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. It's like NYC and probably has the nightlife, but we wouldn't know because we go to sleep before 8 pm every night. We usually get up around 6 and explore the city for the next 8 hours.

Until we meet again!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The kid/kids I have watched that have touched my life in more ways than one.
I've known these two for over four years. Haven't changed a bit.
Bye cutie pa-tootie's!

Peace Out Chicks!
These two lovely ladies and I hung out since September. They will be missed greatly.

Goodbye to the sweet Lars that I got to
take to the park for the past couple months ;)

This is the chick I'll be traveling with! Miss Kelly Stovin.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Suda Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
This is the spot Kelly and I will be staying for ONE WEEK!