Monday, February 10, 2014

Schedule Life into Your Life

What does your calendar look like?  Are there any blank spaces in between lunch, work, dinner, workout, grocery shop, pick up this and that?  There should be.  You know why?  Because we were not meant to be rats on a wheel.  Humans, animals, whatever else is out there, are meant to connect, to socialize, to think, to reflect.

Balance is key to living a successful, meaningful, worthwhile life.  Here are 5 tips to help you bring more balance...

  1. Stop scheduling into your blank space.  Leave time to let the leaves fall where they may.
  2. Learn to say no.  Learn to just say no, without rescheduling or thinking ahead.  Instead, take a break and breathe.  Give yourself time to get back to what you were doing and when the time is right, you will know.
  3. Learn to say yes.  What? Contradictions!  I know.  But, it's good to see both sides of the coin, right?  Say yes to things you're scared of, things you thought you'd never do, life is so much fun with a little excitement.
  4. Ask yourself little questions throughout the day.  Does this make me happy?  Why am I doing this?  Where is this going? Who am I helping?  I get stuck in going with the flow, until a couple weeks down the road I'm stuck wondering, how did this happen?  It's okay to go with the flow, but make sure it's flowing in the right direction.
  5. Pay attention to the feeling in your gut.  Many times I've accepted jobs knowing I didn't really want the position, but thought it'd be good experience/a resume builder.  Had I listened to my gut, I wouldn't have wasted so much time.
Live A Life in Balance.

I am a Health Coach, specializing in living a balanced life.
Contact me for your own Life Balance Appointment:


  1. I have NO plans on Saturday. ALL.DAY. And I won't be making any. I will be enjoying me time and the apartment to myself :)

  2. That is AWESOME MOLLY!!! You go girl. This is exactly what I'm talkin' about!
