Monday, April 2, 2012

Discover your Personal Legend!

I'm reading THE ALCHEMIST!!
The pages are filled with phrases that could be used as quotes for every person seeking contentment.  It's the slowest I've ever read a book because I'm trying to digest every, single word.
These kinds of books exist because most of us are trying to figure out what it is that we want to do.  What is it that fulfills the space in your heart that is empty?  I'm not finished reading this book, but I've walked away with this knowledge.  And that is, we all know what brings us joy, happiness and fulfillment but we cover it up with jobs we don't want, but that pay well.  Degrees that will make our parents proud.  Relationships that we settle in because we're scared to start over.  We lose our way somewhere along the path.  But that doesn't mean it's lost forever...

When you stop and think, "what truly, brings happiness to my life?"  I believe it's what makes you feel good every time you do it.  I'm talking soul quenching, mind filling, jumping for joy fullness.

For me, it's yoga, music, fitness-related activities with friends, deep conversations, soul quests, walks, sunshine, writing, holistic health tips, relationships, conversing, quote finding, wearing long dresses, mexican food, lollipops, comedies, dance classes, learning guitar, etc.

Make your own list and notice the commonalities.
Perhaps you'll see that the group of things you love,
will show you where to go.


  1. One of my favorite posts of yours... so good. I haven't read this book yet, but now I want to. What you wrote about jobs, degrees, and relationships is so true. Love you!!

  2. Thanks Steph! I'll pass it onto you once I'm finished. :)) I LOVE YOU SOUL QUENCHING TWIN!

  3. I love this book, Paulo Coehlo is amazing. Read it slowly and then read it again!!! It's life changing.

    my favorite line from the book
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


  4. I LOVE THAT TOO DAISY! I underlined it! It should be a requirement to read it at the age of 15. When you really start pondering what the hell am I supposed to be doing!?
