Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 Day Juicing Cleanse or Not...

People do cleanses for different reasons.  No time for small talk, let's get down to it!  I did a juice cleanse because I suffer from vertigo.  And I do not use to word 'suffer' lightly.  I'll admit, sometimes it is fun.  It feels like I'm high on mary j. but lately it's gotten worse and I'll be damned if it continues to downward spiral.  That's where the cleanse enters the story.

The 3-Day cleanse I chose is from a little company called Strawberry Moon Juice.  The juices I chose contain nothing but fruits and vegetables.  The daily calories range from 900-1200 per day, depending on the content.

I chose this cleanse because it does not contain caffeine, alcohol, dairy and/or nuts.  I don't know if the vertigo is brought on by a nut allergy, the coffee I inhale daily or wine I drink a couple nights a week.  Sure some might say, just eliminate nuts from your diet!  But foods sneakily hide nut ingredients, read below:

Information found from:

Some Unexpected Sources of Tree Nuts

  • Salads and salad dressing
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Breading for chicken
  • Pancakes
  • Meat-free burgers
  • Pasta
  • Honey
  • Fish dishes
  • Pie crust
  • Mandelonas (peanuts soaked in almond flavoring)
  • Mortadella (may contain pistachios)

Day 1:

I drank 2 juices, it's 5:45pm and I don't feel that hungry.  The first juice was interesting.  It tasted like cucumbers and mint.  The second juice was like drinking a carrot.  I'm not sure if you're supposed to do this, but I heated the 2nd juice up in the microwave and pretended it was hot tomato soup.  It tasted better heated up.  I'm scared I'll get hungry later so I'm waiting as long as I can for the 3rd and final juice of the day.  After I suck it up, I am left with as much caffeine free tea that this little heart desires!

Beginning of Day 2:

Wake up with a cold.  And a massive headache.  Caffeine withdrawal?  Quite possibly but this one is stifling and I have ish to do today.  I try the morning juice for Day 2.  I just cannot do it.  I know a lot of people who LOVE these juices, but I am not one of them.  I make my decision with these excuses: I am already a healthy eater, I love fruit, I don't eat meat or dairy and my headache is calling for coffee.  I give in.


So I made it one day.  And oddly enough, that one day eliminated my sugar cravings.  I drank more water and I had a good night sleep.  I wasn't even hungry the entire day, I stopped eating (juicing) at 7:00pm and liked waking up with a hungry belly.

I'm at the exact same weight.  Perhaps because I overindulged the night before Day 1.  I can honestly say that cleanses, 30 day yoga challenges, and/ restricting certain foods from my diet, backfires.

The 30 day challenges make me love yoga less, making it a chore rather than a joy.  The idea of a 3 day cleanse made me overeat the night before it started, therefore making me gain unwanted pounds and if I take out cereal from my breakfast, I am not a happy camper.

Lesson learned?  Eat moderately, get plenty of fruits and veggies, switch to decaf after noon and don't eat as much sugar.  Perhaps a 1 day juice cleanse is just what I needed!

1 comment:

  1. I once did a gave me gas :(
