Monday, November 4, 2013

Are You Caving In or Are You Carving Out?

I LOVE looking at peoples Facebook pictures when they are doing something "outside the box."  Because let me tell you, it is so much harder to create a job you love, fill your days up with enough work so you can pay your bills on time and remain a connected friend and family member.

The grass looks so much greener on the corporate side...I think it's there to taunt the naysayers into the land of 9-5.  I was definitely pulled in at the beginning of this year.  I was so over paying for my own health insurance, filing taxes, keeping records of everything, never knowing what I'm going to get paid from week to week, etc.  I caved.  I got a full-time job.  A real 9-5'er.  I rode the bus/walked to and from a place where people counted down the minutes.  I thought, "I finally have my insurance paid for!  THIS IS IT!  THIS IS WHAT SECURITY FEELS LIKE!  WHAT AN AWESOME FEELING!"

It was actually cool to see people thrive in that environment.  I envy them.  I wish I could be content in that type of position.  But I can't sit for that long.  I dreaded meetings.  I didn't like people telling me I had to be here and by this time.  Just like if any of the content 9-5'ers tried to be a freelancer, they'd lose it.

Being a freelancer is so unpredictable.

i. love. it.

The schedule changes, you get paid more, you meet TONS of people.

Whether you're inside or outside the box, accept what kind of person you are.


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