Saturday, May 5, 2012

Primary Foods

I am studying to be a holistic health & wellness coach and wanted to share a beautiful statement found in the third fundamental class focusing on primary foods: "A big part of Integrative Nutrition is looking beyond what you put into your mouth, but rather looking at what nourishes your heart and soul. Think about the people in your life. Take out a piece of paper and write down the people who make you laugh, cry, think, happy and angry. Are there more people on that list who make you feel good about yourself than bad? How can you spend more time with those family and friends who make you feel full of life? Just as you might crowd out chemicalized, artificial junk food you can crowd out those relationships that impact you negatively."


  1. So true! Realized this one myself recently and am much happier now. :)

  2. It's so crazy how what we put in our bodies fuel our moods, energy levels and patience!!
