Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Night Thoughts

MMMMmmmm....An early morning workout with Dad, a fast moving work day and even got to walk in the sunshine (blazing heat).  To top it off, at 8, I head to a live music yoga class taught by one of my favorite teachers, JL Chiemingo
with my favorite love interest, my man.  Doesn't get better than that!

Do what you love!  The rest will fall into place.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Meals From Home All Week!


Turkey Bacon
Chicken Sausage
2nd level contains:
red and orange peppers, broccoli and celery.

Sunflower Butter
Coconut Water

Garbanzo Beans

Dark Chocolate Shakes (non-dairy)

** Not pictured: blueberries, raspberries (in freezer)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

How Are YOU Celebrating YOUR Life?

Happy Saturday!  What are you doing today to celebrate this gift of life?  Congratulations, YOU WOKE UP TODAY!  It's okay if you have low energy, feel like taking it easy or going for a walk instead of an hour-long crazy, ass workout!  Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself.  I woke up today feeling like I've been neglecting myself by long work hours and a lack of sleep.

But within an hour, I had the music blasting, took a shower and am ready to take on this BEAUTIFUL, sunny Saturday!  I planned on going to yoga this morning and felt bad when I stayed in a bed a little too long.  But after beating myself up, I thought, I'm going to enjoy this slow flow.  I'm going to take my time getting ready this morning.  I'm going to go on a walk, breathe in the fresh air and play my favorite chill music.

Life is about creating your own, best choices.  Doing whatever you need to in order to feel good!  Take it slow today, get your stuff done and thank your lucky stars for another chance at creating your best day ever!

A toast in honor of breathing it all in and letting go of frustrations!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sick of your job?

If you'd like to understand more about yourself and turn your job into something that ignites the fire in your belly, try this exercise:
1. Write a list of all the things that you DON’T like doing. These can be tasks at work, tasks you do at home, or tasks that you feel obliged to do.
2. Write a list of all the hobbies that you enjoy, in any area of your life.
3. If you've been wanting to do something that excites you, what's stopping you?
4. Do you have a business idea that you'd like to implement but haven’t plucked up the courage to take any course of action? If so, what's holding you back?
5. What would you do if you had only six months left to live your life to the fullest?
6. How much is it worth to you to do what you love and be happy living to work, instead of working to live?


Sunday, June 16, 2013

When you feel lonely...

Look outside at the trees.
Their root is strong and still,
but their branches are always waving.
You are never alone.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

3 Ways to Love More!

When you get in an argument with your loved one, it's easy to point fingers.
Instead, take a deep breath, assess the situation and practice these 3 things:

1. Apologize.
2. "I love you."
3. Be sincere.

I know, it's hard because these things require a swallowing of pride.
Set the ego aside and see the greatness that follows.
Love yourself.  Love who you're with.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 Ways to GET HAPPIER!

1. Surround yourself with positive people.
Avoid the energy vampires.  They don't like when you're happy, so steer clear!

2. Laugh even if the joke isn't that funny.
If you remember all the tension and stress that will be released while laughing,
you'll feel more inclined to let out a chuckle.

3. Do at least one thing per day that makes you happy.
I like to look at, health blogs, chocolate-covered Katie, go to yoga, walk around the block, talk to friends on the phone, or just eat hummus and I did tonight.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Stage of Life Are You In?

I realized yesterday that I am in the "molding my sales skills" stage.  I realized it because I was attending a 3 hour AdvoCare training session on how to build a business.  This training is part 2 of 4 and I am willingly going.  AND LOVING IT!

When I came to the conclusion that 2013 is the year of sales, I reflected on past years.

From 2009 to 2011 I was focused on exploring new countries.  I spent 8 month in SE Asia, went to Europe for 2 weeks and spent time on the road traveling to new cities.  This was the, "can't get enough of seeing new places" stage.

In 2011-2013, I focused on getting certified for both, yoga instruction and health counseling.  I battled my own health issues and thought why not learn how to heal myself?  Yoga helped with every aspect in healing.  I've been a yogi since 2008, but no class is ever the same.  It's my anti-depressant, toning workout and community builder.

Which brings me to today.  I picked up a Regional Sales Rep. job and AdvoCare distributor. My problem was the fact that everything wasn't free.  I felt bad charging people for (a). my health coaching. (b.) AdvoCare products and (c). Yoga classes.  But all these things are great and I believe in them.  I value them.  Therefore, when I started seeing the value, the issue of letting people know the price started to dissipate.

I am a consumer, I know how I like to be talked to and know who I like buying products from.  People I trust in.  Well I trust in myself, so why give myself the backseat when I could call "shotgun?"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Any idea's how to tie these options together?
I am lost, but in options I enjoy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grateful for Now

Today I am grateful for sunny weather, girlfriends and a sister who make me laugh, a loving boyfriend, parents I want to hang out with, friends who say yes to their dreams and no to settling (Ashleigh Hairston, Sarah Short, Kasi Jones, Kelly Snyder, Audra Sanderhoff, Courtney Moore, Lea Lo, etc.), yoga, the opportunities I see with AdvoCare, all of Rachel Feldman's help, Seattle sunsets & the option to walk to work.

Tomorrow will be different, but today is pretty great.