Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Inspires You?

What inspires you?
Is it reading an inspirational quote?
Are you inspired by inspiring stories?

The lovely, Laura Mooney.

I find that I am most insightful after a yoga class, a walk around Greenlake or a dance class.  I feel like I can take on the world after I am challenged with a physical activity.  After yoga I call my friends because that's when I'm in the best mood and I can give my full attention to them.  Before yoga I am distracted and tired.  I have sooooo much energy after exercise and am a ball of joy!


Whenever I feel discouraged or like I haven't accomplished enough for the day I call upon my fairy godmother, Oprah.  I read what she writes and if I find a quote that really resonates with me, I write it down.


If I think about quitting something, I think of my Dad and how he's held a job since his first paper route as a child.  I think about how he's worked his ass off for basically his whole life and it pushes me through the grind.  My Mom is WOPRAH, (white Oprah).  She sends me random little texts that say, "I believe in you."  But my all-time favorite is this, "It is all in you and I expect your life to be one wonder after another - even if you have to put up with the inevitable speed bump or two."  (she is goooood).


I am inspired by people doing what I love to do.  I'm inspired by people who don't take no for an answer.  I'm inspired by people who don't settle.

P.S. I love the word inspired.


  1. You inspire ME jbird!!! Love you!-Kiwi

  2. Likewise KIWI!!!! Thank you for commenting and love you so much THAI GIRLFRIEND! YAHOoooOOO!
