When I am repeatedly bombarded with trip options, career advancement options, ways to build a better life, a better future, a quick way to grow your retirement, all I can do is...nothing. Too many options make me back away from everything.
I imagine a hand waving at me with every different option and when I start to back away, the waving gets quicker and bigger, until I shut my computer and there is silence. No one telling me to do something, no articles to read about how to be a good vinyasa yoga instructor and the list goes on.
On days like today when all I want to do is watch Top Chef & Total Divas and have lunch made of chips, hummus and salsa, I refuse to be sucked in. There are days when I am not so dismissive and those are the days where I find myself starting with boundless amounts of energy, until I open my computer and get sucked in to "doing online workouts + how to build a better butt."
Do yourself a favor, or just me and do nothing every once in a while. And if doing nothing is too much too handle (funny, the irony), than write. Get out those feelings, write or better yet, read. Read about something, because reading is like doing nothing, but better because you get to go somewhere, but you can still wear a robe and eat chips & salsa.
The options are endless, but some days you have to end the options and just stick with a "do nothing day." Recharge the batteries. And you'll thank yourself on Monday.
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