Sunday, June 8, 2014

Getting Clear on What Intention Means

Make sure to send an intention for each category, to ensure optimal overall wellness:
self, work, friendships, love life, family & lifestyle.

What intention are you setting for yourself every day?  Is it to be happy & healthy?  Or is your intention to self sabotage until you start believing in the lies your mind tells you?

The intention I set for my day is how can I be better?  How can I remain a student of life?  How can I learn more about what fascinates me and not be swayed by something that fascinates someone else?  How do I keep going in my personal education of what interests me?

What intention are you setting for your work?

You know the saying, "Do something you love and it won't feel like work."  Are you making your dreams come true by building a brand you love?  It could be your own or someone else's, as long as you believe in the mission, you are fulfilling your purpose.

Do you have the "I'm too busy" syndrome with friends?

Leave free time on your calendar for a close friend and intend to see them during the week.  Do something extra to make it happen.  Switch things around, unless you INTEND to be busy.

Do you intend to "fall in love or have the perfect relationship?"

It doesn't happen.  The perfect relationship doesn't exist.  A healthy, happy, flirty relationship is possible long-term, as long as your intention isn't anything but living in the moment.  If you are always living in the next step, you will never enjoy the simple, beautiful side of love.

Do you have a way of referring to your family or the role you play?

How about trying to understand your parents as individuals and what they want out of life, rather than knock them down for their shortcomings.  Or try building a new relationship with a sibling.  It's never too late to try something new.  Or are you wanting to change the way your family looks at you?  Start acting differently or communicate how you are feeling.

How do you talk to yourself?  Are you eating food for energy (protein, veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.) or for short spurts of happiness (sugar, caffeine, white flours)?

"I'm getting old and fat and that's just the way the cookie crumbles."  WRONG!  If you are tired and always wishing for a new body/way to eat, there are people out there WANTING to help.  If you can do it on your own, than start now.  Or if you love the body you're in, help someone appreciate theirs!

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