Tuesday, June 3, 2014

3 Tips to Find Inner Peace!

Do you regret anything?

I believe that at some point, we all go through guilt and shame and possibly, regret.  And until you forgive yourself, you cannot and will not find true inner peace. The place where you feel happy and light.  It's a place where your first reaction is not exposed, instead thought about.

3 Tips to Find Inner Peace:

1. Forgive yourself, your mistakes and things out of your control.  Make peace with the past.
2. Develop an outlet.  Walks, meditations, reading and sweating it out work for some people.  For me, it's yoga, walking and connecting with people... and dance parties.
3. Talk about it.  If something feels wrong, it probably is and that's a lot to hold onto.  Once you figure out what is bothering you, don't let it sit there, do something to fix it.

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