I am CONVINCED that cravings are due to a deficiency of minerals/vitamins. Studies have shown that when women crave chocolate (usually around that time of the month) they are low in magnesium. Cravings have also been proven to be a sign of hormonal issues.
According to womentowomen.com, when you are tired/sad, you will have low blood sugar. Hormonal imbalance/weak digestion can lead to low serotonin. Low blood sugar/serotonin sends a signal to the brain that it needs a pick-me-up. It is this signal-which you don't consciously control- that causes a craving for sugar/carbs. So you eat the bread/cereal/donut which releases a burst of serotonin, so you feel good for a short period of time. But just as quickly, you return to an even lower serotonin state, and the vicious cycle starts all over again. The more sugary crap you eat, the more you crave it because over-consumption of sugar can lead to insulin resistance. Makes eating healthy almost impossible. So before that sugary treat/loaf of bread hits your lips, think twice.
Last week I got the stomach flu and couldn't eat for 3 days. When I finally got my appetite back, the only thing I wanted to eat was pizza/waffles! So I ate them. It was my body's way of telling me that I needed fat. Good fat. Maybe an avocado. Also, when we crave carbs, it's really another way of saying, PLEASE FEED ME PROTEIN! So when I got over my pizza fix, I added in some protein and no longer wanted pizza/waffles...thank god. Things could've gotten really sketchy. :)
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