Sunday, March 31, 2013


                           Passion is energy. It's the power that comes from focusing
                      on what really excites you. When we live with enthusiasm,
                      we fully engage our brains and bodies in our activities,
                        building new pathways that foster health and wellbeing.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Here's a great guide from
about choosing the best oil/s for
cooking, baking and/finishing!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Heal Your Gut!

Healing Pumpkin Pudding

1 cup fresh baked or organic canned pumpkin
1 tbsp grass fed beef gelatin
1 cup coconut milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 Tbsp honey or
8-10 drop stevia liquid1 tsp vanilla extract (gluten free)

Dissolve the gelatin in a small bowl with 3 tbsp of water.
Heat the coconut milk in a saucepan then add the the gelatin mixture.
Stir for a few minutes and then add the pumpkin, spice, and sweetener.
Stir for a few more minutes until it is all warm and dissolved.
Put in two small bowls and put in the fridge or freezer until it is cool and set, about 20 minutes


Friday, March 15, 2013

RESULTS from AdvoCare!!

Let's talk about an awesome product filled with your daily needs for minerals, vitamins, protein, etc. etc. It's called AdvoCare. I am on day 14 of the 24 day Challenge and my jeans are too big, I am eating 5 small meals a day, drinking anywhere from 3 liters to a gallon of water per day, making sure all my protein, fat, vegetable, fruit and carb levels are being met and I am filled with energy! I have 10 days left, but hit my goal weight after day 5. So now I am focused on losing inches. If you want to learn more about this program, please check out: & order the challenge today! Or the cleanse! Or the products!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Banish Cellulite!

Loved this article and had to share!!!
Not only does Rachel include suggestions on how to banish cellulite, she also gives you a shopping list of foods for a healthier, more glowing you!!
According to by Rachel Feldman...
Cellulite occurs for a few different reasons.
  1. Diet: Foods that contain toxins such as fried foods, alcohol and processed are cellulite triggers.
  2. Genes: The body type that you have will sometimes be more prone to cellulite.
  3. Hormones: How your body handles its change in estrogen and progesterone (plus pregnancy and birth control can affect cellulite as well).
  4. Age: The tone and elasticity of your body decreases over time.
What do I say to all of these contributing conditions to your cellulite problems? Let’s get those trapped fat cells out of your body now!
Take my suggestions and make these simple changes in your diet, and you will watch the cellulite vanish and improve the quality of your skin.
  1. Get hydrated. The biggest contributing factor to cellulite is lack of proper hydration. When your body is not getting enough fluids to flush out its toxins, that is when you will see cellulite bumps appear on your body. One of my favorite ways to hydrate your cells is to drink Zico Coconut Water. I suggest drinking 8 ounces of Zico Coconut water a day.
  2. Water: Drink up! No matter what you do, FLUSH, FLUSH, FLUSH those toxins away. Aim for drinking 2 liters of fresh water every day if you want to get rid of cellulite. Add lemon to your water to help your body detoxify even further.
  3. Caffeine: Make sure when you drink coffee or caffeinated tea, you drink 8 ounces of water afterwards to re-hydrate. When you are enjoying a nice cup of iced tea sitting by the pool, make sure you that chase it with some fresh H2O because that caffeine dehydrates the body.
  4. Alcohol: Now I know you love your cocktails, but I hate to break the news to you: alcohol is a toxin, and if you want smoother skin, then make sure you limit your alcohol. The liver has to work extremely hard to flush alcohol from your system, and cellulite is simply a build up of those toxins trapped under the skin. Limit the toxic load for your body!
  5. Ditch the processed foods and food additives. Anything that comes in a wrapper is toxic for you body. Think fresh and eat fresh. You are what you eat. Your skin is a reflection of the food you put into your body.
Here are my suggestions for foods that will banish cellulite, make you look young and give you great hair, nails and skin.
Your Healthy Shopping List:
  1. Lean Meat: Eggs, lean red meat, chicken, tofu, and turkey will help to strengthen the connective tissue and improve skin health.
  2. Fresh “fatty fishes”: Salmon, mackerel and sardines provide us with those healthy Omega 3’s. Omega 3’s improve blood flow in your body and increase the quality of your connective tissue, making cellulite less visible.
  3. Lots of Fresh Greens: Enjoy a variety of brightly colored vegetables. I always say eat the rainbow daily for your phytonutrients and antioxidants in order to prevent tissue damage. Eating foods that are rich in potassium will help your body to look good and feel good, such as celery, cucumber, bell peppers, broccoli and spinach to name a few.
  4. Yogurt: For healthy digestion and getting good bacteria flourishing in your body.
  5. Eat more fruit: Fruit is full of powerful antioxidants that remove toxins from your body. Think berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and goji berries.
  6. Make fiber and whole grains your best friend: Whole Grains such oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and ground flax meal are great for you!
  7. Eat healthy fats! Don’t ditch fats such as avocado, because they repair tissue.
  8. Foods that are high in Vitamin C: Tomatoes, kiwis, oranges and red bell peppers.
  9. Foods that are high in water content will help to flush your toxins out, such as grapes, watermelon, melons, cantaloupe and grapefruit! You can add these to your water for extra flavor or enjoy them for a great snack.
Sea Vegetables: 
  1. Dr.Oz swears by sea vegetables for banishing cellulite. So stop by your local organic market and pick up kelp and dulse sprinkles and add them to your favorite foods. These sea veggies are full of “beauty minerals” to keep you looking pretty: silicon ,sulfur, zinc & iron.
The foods that you put into your mouth always show on your and your body!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Inhale for 5 seconds.
Hold at the top.
Exhale 5 seconds.

Work your way up to 8 seconds.
Repeat 3-6 times.

You will feel more peaceful.  Believe me.
Trust in the breath.