Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quality over Quantity

Go away for a night with a girlfriend.

Treasure lifelong friends.

If your Mom is still on earth, call her & tell her how much you love her.

Call or E-mail a dear friend you've been missing.

Step out of your comfort zone.

Go outside.

Have a drink & don't worry about the calories.


Smile at strangers because you want strangers to smile at you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Go!

How good does it feel to stop contemplating & start doing?

Slip on your new Nike's.
Walk down the big hill and go get an Americano, 1 pump sugar free Vanilla.
Eat a Caramel Nut Luna Bar.
Deposit a well earned check.
Hour of hot yoga.
Walk 2 miles to lunch.
Eat a protein packed salad from Flying Apron.
Walk 2 miles back.
Smile at a couple strangers along the way.
Quickly Shower.
Look at fitness magazines online, People.com, Facebook, CNN, etc.
Talk to some friends & family.
Go golfing with Dad.
Eat dinner, perhaps a Mint Chocolate Clif Bar with 20 grams of protein.
Maybe shower again.
Watch Extreme Couponing/ Travel Channel/ your favorite show.
Read a couple chapters.
Turn off the light.
Let your head hit the pillow with a smile on your face,
because today was a damn good day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eye on the Prize!

For about 3 months now, my every thought is like,
"Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!"
Probably because I'm in an intense teacher
training program to become a Yoga Instructor.
My love for yoga doesn't waiver, but I've found that
my other loves have taken a backseat:

Dance class, running Green Lake, finding new music, etc.

So this week, my focus is to:
-attend at least one dance class

That's it! Plain & simple.

What did you stop doing that you love?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Another plunge...

This time, my heart is pulling me towards Tuscany, Italy.

I went to Asia in 2009 for just under a year, where I taught English to non-English speaking kids. After my singing, dancing and acting techniques hit an all-time high in the classroom, I ended my contract, packed up my backpack and hit the road.

Whether we were hiking Mt. Fansipan, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fansipan):


We took off our straps of life and jumped.

Around October of this year, the new adventure begins in Italy...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Can't do a 9-5

I would love to have benefits,
stability and a steady paycheck.
But then I wouldn't be able to do this:

Bali, Indonesia