Sunday, October 18, 2009

On the road again, just can't wait to be on the road again!!

Jumping for JOY in HaNOI!

Thank you to Miss Stovin for this shot.
I fell in love with this baby.

Village People.
The way they do coffee in Vietnam.

Bus ride from hell!
Imagine trying to sleep in a midget's canoe
while the bus is speeding and going over pot holes
that had to be 15 feet deep!  And this
bus ride lasted for over 10 hoursss!
Miss Georgie and myself!

Flying off the rope swing in LAOS!

Sleeping on bamboo shoots before the hike up to the top of FANSIPAN!

Just taking a stroll down the beach with my Kiwi!
A couple days before the bus ride to Saigon.

Sledding down the sand dunes in Muy Nhe!
Traffic in Saigon!!!!
The first weekend free of teaching!

When I was in 10th grade my favorite teacher had a quote on his white board and I believe it has led me to where I am today,
"Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2 to the 5 and I'm feelin A-LIVE!

What a freakin' whirlwind the last couple of weeks have been! Since Sept. 18th we have been true trailblazin' sista's and I have noooooooo complaints. Left Thailand, traveled into Laos for a week to explore Vieng Viene and Luang Prabang and floated down the Mekhong River! I can only try to describe what life feels like at this moment but no picture/video that I upload will show you what I'm seeing with these 25 y/o eyes. Yes, 25. I celebrated my 25th birthday in Luang Prabang on the 25th and have to say that between the massage and dinner that my girlfriend Kel bought for me, the breakfast Georgie paid for or the whole fact of being in a different country I celebrated the shiza out of my golden bday! CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES, COME ON! Thank you to everyone for the special treat of bday e-mails, messages, phone calls, cards and bank surprise from the folks! I am one lucky gal.

We leave tonight for a 5 day trek, 2 day cruise and 2 long days of sleeper trains. I purchased my official hiking shoes today and I gotta say that I've never felt more attractive, especially with the mid-calf socks, ankle brace, funny hammer pants, traveling back pack strapped with my dork sandals and my big, goofy grin. Today I am happy that no pictures have been snapped because I catch my reflection in store windows, look at Kel, Georgie and Brij and we all laugh hysterically.

I am a true backpacker, at least today. Google: Fanxipan if you'd like to see the mountain we're about to summit. Think we're in a little bit over our heads, but it will be one hell of a story.